Wednesday, 16 March 2016

What is Innovation?

There is a whole lot of confusion out there about what innovation is.  You experience its benefits every day, so you do already know what innovation can achieve.   I still find it surprising though that many people, when asked, say that they do not know what innovation is.  In the 21st century, surely this is a bizarre situation when innovation is all around us.  
Even stranger, some creativity and innovation consultants seem to get confused over what innovation is.  I actually saw one such person say on their web site that they didn't really know what it was that they did, or didn't know how to explain it.  Some may suspect that consultants deliberately add mystery and complexity to the term innovation in order to try and justify their services and existence.  We have seen that consultants generally can become well know for creating a stream of buzzwords and phrases, and publishing an array of complex diagrams and graphs.  So perhaps there is some truth in the suspicions about some innovation consultants, who knows?
So, for the benefit of the public, business and any confused consultants, I have presented a simple, yet accurate, definition of innovation in the following quick free course.  This focuses on the outcome of innovation (not how to innovate).  It also includes some great examples of innovation that have benefited most of us: 11 "impossible ideas" that were turned into reality!
Learn what innovation is for free in just 10 minutes: What is Innovation?

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