Friday, 11 March 2016

Big Innovations from Small Businesses

Do you know that a great deal of innovation comes from small businesses?

The biggest innovations from the smallest start-ups

Some of the biggest innovations can come from smallest of businesses.  For example, many start-up businesses pioneer the development of future technologies that years later we all take for granted. All of today's "hi-tec" [high technology] corporations once started as small businesses. Some of these started in back bedrooms or garages and as they innovated they bloomed into massive global corporations, like Google for example.

Another example of such a start-up was started by Bill Gates, and a colleague. You may have heard of that corporation too: Microsoft.

UK award winners

The UK has been world famous for scientific achievements, inventions and innovations for centuries, going right back to the seventeenth century. Today many UK businesses continue to lead in science and innovation. Not all of those businesses are large corporations, for example last year Innovate UK celebrated the success of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and gave awards to five SMEs.

Any SME can innovate

However, you do not have to be Bill Gates or an award winning business in order to innovate. Any small or medium sized business can innovate. The chances are, if you have been making improvements of the years then you have been innovating. You can see if this is the case by taking the quick free course What is Innovation right now.

Successful innovation can reduce your costs and increase your impact. That is two ways to increase your bottom line: bigger profits. Learn how to optimise your innovative impact by enrolling on the premium course: How to Innovate Effectively.

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