Friday, 15 April 2016

Tips on Innovation and Creativity from Harvard Guru

Absorb new information to help your ideas.

Pick a focus area. Keep it simple.

Competition:- Finding a competitor already in the marketplace is a sign that someone else has looked into the idea and found a market for it. A competitive environment can develop problem-solving skills.

Many people can come up with a good idea. However, from the team you assemble to how your product or service will be formed, marketed, and delivered, the real opportunity for innovation lies in how you make it happen.


Get used to failing; and fail fast.

Immediate success is the exception, not the rule. It's a long slog...

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Innovation Leadership

Innovation Leaders Create Long-Term Value

Here are seven essential qualities for leading innovation:
  1. Passion for innovation.
  2. A long-term perspective.
  3. The courage to fail and learn from failure.
  4. Deep engagement with the innovators.
  5. Willingness to tolerate mavericks and protect them from middle management.
  6. Opening up time for creativity and brainstorming.
  7. Being self-aware and mindful. 

Friday, 1 April 2016

Special Innovation Offer for Organisations in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

If your business or organisation is based in Mansfield (Notts) then you can benefit from innovation by learning how to innovate effectively, and right now you can save up to 25 percent!

Free course: What is Innovation?

Premium course: How to Innovate Effectively
for SMEs, large organisations, corporations, further and higher education bodies, and more.

Benefit also from Innovation Coaching and Consultancy.

Learn how to market your business online

Here's a great free online course that takes you through all of the steps needed to market your business online.

You might also like to combine that with some innovation. Here's another free course: